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Day 6: Camosim to Barra Grande

Updated: Oct 6, 2019

With more than 400 km behind us, day 6 was supposed to be one of the toughest days! Beside the challenging distance of 80 km, the rocky coast and the exhausting bodies there were some choppy and gusty river mouths to cross! Overall a nice challenge for Kite team Van Oord!

Because Camosim was the last civilized village for the coming days we first went into town to get some cash money and to make sure the cars, jetski and buggy were all fueled up. In the meantime everybody physically prepare themselves for the coming trip. You could feel the tension, and everybody was more then ever busy with their own mental preparation.

Since the wind did not really pick up till mid- day everybody prepared the kites and made sure the scratches and rash was al vasalined up! Around mid- day the fan switched on and the team left Camosim. Because of the rocky coast line the cars were not able to drive along the coast, meaning the Jetski was the only support for the coming sections.

Non civilized areas, long stretched landscapes and some small lagoon crossings were part of a great scenery today. Although everybody was focusing on making Barra Grande you could feel the energy that was gained by the breath taking surroundings. At one point some surreal areas were found and additional kilometers were made on a unexpected lagoon. What an unbelieveble scenery!

Boardrider Dennis rocking the lagoon

Continuing to Barra Grande confirmed this was going to be a tough day. 6 long days of kitesurfing does affect the physical conditions of both the group members and the equipment, resulting in some delays on the way. Because of these delays, the time pressure to reach our final destination was on. Therefore no extensive lunch was allowed and only some quick sandwiches (prepared during breakfast) on the beach of Bitupita had to provide us enough energy for the remainder of the trip.

Group spirit during the trip

Next hurdle to be taken was crossing the river mouth of Rio Bitupita, where the collission between the river discharge and ocean waves result in a very choppy and rough area. This river also counts as the border between the two Brazilian states Ceara and Piaui, which means the group entered their second state this week.

After some more kilometers along the sandy coastline the group arrived in the final spot of the day: Barra Grande. This town is nothing more than a colony of pousadas and restaurants that settled in the middle of a dune: only sandy roads, palm trees and beach fronts.

Completely satisfied by completing this challenging day, the group went into town for dinner, Starving as the group was after this physical effort, some team members suprised the waitress by ordering multiple main courses. A full belly and the live music in the restaurant brought us to sleep.

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